Newly Postpartum at the very end of 2019. Welcoming home sister.

Newly Postpartum at the very end of 2019. Welcoming home sister.


/ri zom/ noun BOTANY

a continuously growing horizontal underground stem that puts out lateral shoots and adventitious roots at intervals.

So why choose the name rhizome to represent me as a postpartum doula? Because my previous career was as a native plant nursery manager and I had a 12 year career working in five different plant nurseries throughout California. Working with plants has been everything to the growth of myself as a gentle human being on this Earth. I have a degree in plant science from UC Santa Cruz and have always been enamored by the plant world since I was a little girl, identifying plants with my Dad in our neighborhood National Recreation Area of Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa and growing my yearly garden. I’ve worked with thousands of rhizomes in my years working in the Redwood Creek Watershed growing wetland and riparian plants for restoration at Muir Beach. The gentle nurturing care of thousands of plants for planting in restoration sites translates well to nurturing families postpartum.

And I can’t think of a more nurturing and earthy vision than a rhizome gently tucked into Mother Earth to settle in before it is ready to push down its roots and push forth its shoots skyward, ready to thrive and flourish. This is how I’d like to think of those early days postpartum: nestled in bed, lovingly tucked in, being nourished and tended to, before being ready to grow and thrive.

Rhizome is nestled growth. Postpartum deserves nestled growth.


About Chelsea

My circuitous journey toward and into motherhood has changed my life forever with the many facets that have lead me to this point right here to support families in the precious time of postpartum. It hasn’t been easy, and in fact has been the hardest stage of my life path thus far, but I know in my heart that each twist and turn has given me the experience and desire to support someone like you.

I’m a mother to a wild little boy who keeps me engaged daily with his antics. Our journey together, from his birth in 2015 to today, has experienced it’s fair share of trials and tribulations. We make a great pair and we love his Dad. We welcomed our surprise gem of a baby who arrived just at the tail end of 2019.

Early 2018, felt like it was time to consider what was next for me as more than just Mom (a very noble role, indeed). I was ready to consider that my son was gaining independence and would soon be ready for time without Mom at his beck and call. And then it just popped into my head, “what does it take to become a postpartum doula?”

When my son was born I did not know what a postpartum doula was, and rather, I only knew about birth doulas. But, in hindsight, I wish I had had the added support of a person with the expertise and nurturing spirit that was there for my needs at that time. Over the next 2.5 years as my son grew, I had learned more about the different types of doulas that support families. And as my community grew to include more mothers and babies in our area in Sonoma County, so too did my need and want to nurture my mom friends, to listen to their stories, and celebrate their successes in motherhood.

And when I began looking into what it takes to become a postpartum doula in early 2018, I just knew. I just knew that this was my next life path and that I want all birthing people to feel supported, and nurtured, and listened to, and validated, and cared for. Everyone deserves to be supported through a life changing event such as the threshold into parenthood. I’d be honored to meet you there.


Please inquire for resources. I’m happy to support you virtually.

Serving families in person in Orange County, but can support worldwide virtually. Please inquire.

Postpartum Doula Chelsea Dicksion

DONA International Trained April 2018

Slow Doula Method with Doula Trainings International Sep 2018

 SEEN Mentorship with Birdsong Brooklyn Dec 2018 - Mar 2019

Infant CPR with American Red Cross May 2018